Ricardo is currently a junior at Orange Glen High School where he enjoys taking his Advanced Auto Technician class. He is passionate about working on cars and bikes and dreams of having his own mechanic shop or becoming a mechanical engineer someday. He is a true entrepreneur running his own car detailing business for the past 2 years.
Ricardo looks to ASB as a place to explore his interests and build community while also preparing for life after high school. His favorite ASB memory is “the first day when I started meeting people. I met Stephanie and my other friend Juan. Now, I’m friends with everyone on the student committee and know people from each year.”
Dance has been a way for Ricardo to come out of his shell–“Expressing my emotions in a different way, like through dance, helped me.” His favorite style of dance is hip-hop. Much like he works on cars, Ricardo enjoys tinkering with the beat–“the music is catchy. I can hear the beat and do something with it.”

When not in the garage or the dance studio, Ricardo enjoys BMX biking. He’s even considering starting a club for biking at ASB, stating that ASB equips him with the needed leadership skills to start such an endeavor.
With such drive, determination, and continual growth, Ricardo is certainly bound to succeed. He sagely remarks,

“If people try to tell you not to do something, don’t hesitate to do it because you don’t know what will happen. It could be something great—so don’t let anyone stop what you want to do.

After high school, his dream schools are Universal Technical Institute or UCLA and YOU can help him get there. $50/month supports a year’s worth of college and career programming, such as college preparation workshops and tours, career education simulations, and summer enrichment, for a student like Ricardo.
By investing in ASB, you are investing in the future of Ricardo and all 230 of our students. Your donations directly impact students’ lives by providing free dance education, tutoring, college and workforce readiness, counseling, and other family services support for up to ten years for students in need.
This summer, it’s going to take all of us working together to ensure our students thrive. Thank you in advance for taking action to help keep A Step Beyond students on track for college and career success.