Ways to Give

You can help prepare underserved youth for success in college, career, and life.

Help our students thrive

Your donation will support dance education, academic support, college and career readiness, and family services offered through A Step Beyond.

Make a difference today! Give now to help local students succeed using our secure online donation form.

Become one of A Step Beyond’s sustaining supporters by pledging a monthly or recurring gift. 

Support an individual student on their journey with A Step Beyond. Donate to our Student Scholarship Fund or Emergency Aid Fund here.

Become an Ambassador by sponsoring a class of students. View our current Ambassadors or contact Amanda Sorgi at asorgi@a-step-beyond.org to learn more.

Give a gift to A Step Beyond in honor of a friend or family member; a wonderful way to celebrate or commemorate.

Other Ways to Give

Please feel free to contact us for more information about the following giving opportunities:


For more information, please contact Amanda Sorgi, Marketing and Development Coordinator, at asorgi@a-step-beyond.org

Our Financials

Your support is critical to our mission, and we value accountability and transparency in the effective use of your gifts. Here, you can find regular reports about our work and how are making a difference together.


IRS-Form 990


Annual Report
IRS-Form Coming Soon

Donate Now